Louise Lambert

You can recognize a Louise Lambert painting for the captivating use of light, colours and warmth.

This creative gift garnered her following which extends throughout Canada, United States, Europe and Australia.

Acrylic Painting

Louise is committed to creating exceptional artwork for you that will stand the test of time.

Educated and trained throughout North America, working with masters, she has brought this focus of knowledge into her works.

Louise captures the brilliant kiss of light in all her art work.

Louise is one of the most sought after landscape and portrait artist in the Okanagan valley and has earned the illustrious title, “The Lady of Light”, from the media.

Artist’s Style

Blue By You

“The richness and diversity of Louise’s palette and artistic style reflects the same richness and diversity of her ancestry and training background. From her early exposure and to the Algonquin art of her forefathers, to her time spent learning from North American and European masters, and as a Métis artist, Louise brings her own unique blend of colours and experience to each of her ‘Lady of Light’ creations.”

A myriad of life experiences have formed Louise’s style and her outlook toward how she paints. “I take a holistic approach”, she explains, “I want people who see my art to feel better… feel better about the world that we live in and feel better about themselves. …if my art can, in one small sense make that a little more apparent, I have done my job.”

Working in three different art mediums, soft pastel, acrylic and oils, letting the subject of theme dictate which medium is best to capture its essence. Using multiple layers of color to produce the dramatic results, as many as 340 different tones and shades of color, will go into one painting.

View videos about Louise Lambert.

Louise Lambert Canadian Artist – her story

Artist Louise Lambert on portraits

Louise Lambert Canadian Landscape & Portrait Artist